Co-Founder and Head of Design
June 2021 - January 2022
Skills: Interviewing, Surveys
Deliverables: Prototype, Wireframes
Software: Figma, Zoom, Notion, Google Drive
How might we…
… create an easy way for newsletter writers to know how well their subscribers receive their publications.
One thing that I learned from our interviews was that many newsletter writers have cluttered inboxes. Users reply to emails to give feedback, which results in long email chains and lost information. These long chains and lack of organization also result in an inability to compare their feedback over time.
Design Decisions
I created a dashboard that presents graphs and user feedback. My experience informed me that this was the best way to present information because everything could be reviewed and analyzed in one place. The dashboard includes graphs showing the percentages of how many people reported that the newsletter was great, good, or bad and a list of written responses from a survey broken down question by question.
Final Design
After creating my first prototype, I worked with the rest of the technical and business team to refine our ideas and branding. First, we added a filter to allow users to specify the dates of the data we show on the dashboard so they can compare their feedback from different points in time to understand if their performance is improving.
Below is the final dashboard design.